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How well do Refrigerator Water Filters Work?

How well do Refrigerator Water Filters Work?

Refrigerator water filters are ideal for homeowners who want to drink cold, filtered water. It gives you peace of mind, as you don’t have to worry about the impurities present in your local water.

If you are wondering whether these filters are effective and you should buy them or not, you need to continue reading. Here we have mentioned all the basics of the refrigerator filters that you need to know.

How Do Refrigerator Water Filters Work?

These water filters eliminate impurities and contaminants by passing the water through activated carbon present inside these filters. This activated carbon acts like a magnet that attracts contaminants to trap particles and pollutants. As a result, you get clean and healthy drinking water for your entire family.

The procedure may look simple, but it is an excellent way to get clean and fresh water. Unfortunately, water filters can only eliminate the toxic elements for a certain time, and you need to replace them. An overused filter doesn't have the capacity to remove the toxic substance from your drinking water completely. So, when the activated carbon gets entirely covered with impurities and contaminants, you get untreated, dirty, and polluted water.

Water that passes through the overused carbon can remove some of the already trapped impurities, leaving you with unsafe water. Of course, this can cause numerous health problems, as you will be drinking toxic water. But if you will remove the filter regularly, you can deal with this problem.

What Contaminants Will Refrigerator Water Filters Remove?

It is important to note the water that comes from your local utility to your house or your tap water may contain chemicals such as chlorine or chloramines. These chemicals help kill bacteria, viruses, and microscopic fauna.

Even after killing these elements, there are other harmful contaminants present in your water, such as mercury, pharmaceutical traces, bacteria, germs, lead, and viruses. You need to know that most of these harmful substances are resistant to chlorine. For instance, some types of cysts such as Cryptosporidium and giardia don't show any impact after interacting with chlorine or chloramines.

Therefore, you need refrigerator water filters that help to remove the following elements:

  • Radon
  • Chlorine
  • Benzene
  • Synthetic chemicals
  • Volatile organic chemicals

There are other harmful contaminants that standard refrigerator water filters don’t remove. They include:

  • Chromium
  • Cadmium
  • Selenium
  • Fluoride
  • Nickel
  • Copper
  • Mercury
  • Sulfate
  • Arsenic
  • Beryllium
  • Barium

Depending on your location, you may or may not have these impurities in your water. This is why, before investing in the water filter, it’s better to ask professionals to test your water to know about the impurities it contains. Hence, you will be able to make the right decision.

It is important to note the refrigerator filters are ideal for removing chlorine, but they don’t have the capacity to reduce chloramines content. In addition, this water filter may not have the ability to remove heavy metals and other types of resistant germs.

When you test your water and find that all the contaminants found in water are organic, the carbon filter will work best for you. However, in case your water is filled with heavy metals, you should go for the reverse osmosis (RO) water filters. The reverse osmosis can also remove fluoride and other hard-to-remove elements.

Refrigerator Water Filters – Do You Need Them?

Of course, you will not consume dirty, unhygienic food. The same goes for water, as you can’t drink dirty and toxic water. If you want cold and clean water in your house, you need a fridge filter. Not only is it safe, but it is also convenient, as you get cold drinking water without any hurdle.

You also need to know that changing your filters is also important to safeguard the health of your family. No matter what type of fridge you have, filter replacement is necessary to get 100% safe water. If you avoid changing the filter, you will allow the growth of harmful elements contaminating your water. As a result, this will lead to more problems for you and provide you toxic water.

How Often You Need to Replace Your Fridge Water Filter?

Whether you have an expensive or cheap filter, you need to replace the filter after some time. Every filter comes with guidelines that indicate the life span of filters. It also describes how you need to replace the filter without breaking any part.

Moreover, some filters may need to change after three months, while others need replacement after six months. Premium quality filters come with light indicators that alert homeowners when it’s time to change the filter. Generally, in new models, refrigerator water filters come with a particular timeframe, such as six months.

It is important to note that while every filter comes with the standard lifetime, you may not necessarily have to replace it within that time. The actual lifetime depends on your usage and how many contaminants are present in your filter. So, if you don’t use your filter regularly, you don't have to treat water regularly. This means fewer contaminants will interact with your filter, which increases its lifespan.

But commonly, people forget to change the filters when they get filled with contaminants. Therefore, experts recommend changing the filter on the standard, assigned date to get the most out of it. This way, you and your family can stay safe and don't develop any health problems associated with impure, toxic water.

You can read about our other popular reviews on CulliganKineticoRayne Water, and waterboss.

Bottom Line

Refrigerator water filters are best if you want to enjoy cold water. It also offers you the benefits of filtered water so that you can drink water free from impurities, contaminants, and germs. The best part is that you can easily install and maintain these filters. All you need to do is replace the filter within its recommended time period to prevent contaminants from getting into your water.

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