An ion exchange unit, often known as awater softener, is a filtration system that eliminates high quantities of particular minerals. Water softeners are necessary because they aid in the extraction of minerals such as magnesium and calcium from the water. These two minerals are the ones that cause water to become hard.
The water being treated is passed through a water softener, and this system filters out these hard water minerals leaving the water soft and safe to use for most home purposes. They are mostly resin beads inside the softener that trap the calcium and magnesium and switch adding sodium or potassium instead, which are safer to drink and use in the household.
These water softeners come in different kinds, but in this piece, we shall highlight salt-based ones that adversely affect the environment. Here are some of those harmful effects seen and felt in the environment.
Significant Dump
Salt-based softeners are inefficient, even though they effectively remove hard water. These units waste around 150 gallons of water per week on average, totaling 7,800 gallons per year. This raises monthly hydro bills and puts a strain on communal water resources, which are already in short supply in many areas worldwide.
This wastage is detrimental to the environment in the long run, although you might not see it immediately. So much so, it is always better to look at more eco-friendly solutions early to avoid such an effect.
They kill water wildlife
One other concern and effect brought about by these salt-based water softeners is that they harm marine life. When these softeners find their way into water sources like lakes, rivers, streams, and any other water body, they kill the animals. This is a major concern in the whole world since there are already alerts that some water wildlife is endangered, so if this act is stopped, we can save some species facing extinction.
The affect agriculture
Once the salt-based softeners find their way into the water, they inevitably sip into the soil, so much so, affecting agriculture. Plants that cannot withstand these chemical compounds introduced do not perform well thus die even before producing.
The ripple effect extends to the economy
Suppose you are a farmer or an angler; these effects directly affect you. First, since the fish in the water are dying because of poisoning, the numbers of fish schools dwindle. Then this means that the captures become fewer and fewer, meaning you have to rethink a career you had done for years, if not decades.
Farmers are also facing losses, especially the ones who have invested heavily into the industry. If crops are not performing well to produce top-shelf material, everyone you supply gets a new client. This then means that even farmers are losing their source of livelihood from the use of salt-based water softeners.
More>> Salt vs salt free water softeners
Is there a solution?
Salt-free water softener options can neutralize the damaging effects of hard water without any need for salt. Substitutes to water softeners do not release saline brine into the ecosystem. As a result, they have no negative impact on vegetation or aquatic life.
One option is to useFilterSmart solutions and make a switch to salt-free water softeners. They waste no water and do not require energy or refill salt bags, these modern devices offer significant financial benefits to households while also assisting in preventing communal water scarcity.