While most Americans assume that their water supply is safe, the harsh reality is that most cities do a poor job of providing high-quality water to their residents. People often assume that all tap water is the same, but the reality is that depending where in the word you are, the water coming out of your pipes can be very different. Daytona Beach, Florida is no exception as significant problems with hard water in the city underline the importance of a water softener for all residents. So, if you live in the Daytona Beach area and are considering getting a water softener, here’s what you need to know.
What is Hard vs. Soft Water?
The hardness of water refers to the quantity of minerals and/or metals dissolved in it, specifically calcium and magnesium. If water has a high quantity of minerals and metals dissolved in it, it is classified as hard water, whereas if it has a low quantity of minerals and metals dissolved in it, it is classified as soft water. Hard water can be seen in this like the cloudiness of your glasses when coming out of a dishwasher.
Does Daytona Beach have Hard Water?
Daytona Beach's water supply is notorious for containing many problems that can pose significant health risks. In addition to being too hard, it also has issues with a bad odor and taste and as is the case with many other municipalities, contains many impurities such as bacteria, chlorine, and viruses. It’s no surprise that so many people opt for a water softener.
For more info on water hardness in Florida cities, check out this table from HydroFlow USA:
City |
Water Hardness Data |
Boca Raton 33428 | 33431 | 33432 | 33433 | 33434 | 33486 | 33487 | 33496 | 33498 |
189 PPM (mg/L) or 11 gpg |
Cape Coral 33904 | 33909 | 33914 | 33990 | 33991 | 33993 |
85 PPM (mg/L) or 5 gpg |
Clearwater 33755 | 33756 | 33759 | 33760 | 33761 | 33762 | 33763 | 33764 | 33765 |
178 PPM (mg/L) or 10 gpg |
Coral Springs 33065 | 33071
298 PPM (mg/L) or 17 gpg |
Fort Lauderdale 33309 | 33311 | 33312 | 33313 | 33314 | 33315 | 33316 | 33317 | 33319 | 33321 | 33322 | 33323 | 33324 | 33325 | 33326 | 33327 | 33328 | 33330 | 33331 | 33332 | 33334 | 33351
157 PPM (mg/L) or 9 gpg |
Gainesville 32601 | 32603 | 32605 | 32606 | 32607 | 32608 | 32609 | 32612 | 32641 | 32653 |
140 PPM (mg/L) or 8 gpg |
Greater Miami Area 33101 | 33122 | 33125 | 33126 | 33127 | 33128 | 33129 | 33130 | 33131 | 33132 | 33133 | 33134 | 33135 | 33136 | 33137 | 33138 | 33142 | 33143 | 33144 | 33145 | 33146 | 33147 | 33150 | 33155 | 33156 | 33157 | 33158 | 33161 | 33162 | 33165 | 33166 | 33167 | 33168 | 33169 | 33170 | 33172 | 33173 | 33174 | 33175 | 33176 | 33177 | 33178 | 33179 | 33180 | 33181 | 33182 | 33183 | 33184 | 33185 | 33186 | 33187 | 33189 | 33190 | 33193 | 33194 | 33196 | 33109 | 33139 | 33140 | 33141 | 33154 | 33187 | 33189 | 33190 | 33193 | 33194 | 33196 | 33109 | 33139 | 33140 | 33141 | 33154 |
219 PPM (mg/L) or 12 gpg |
Hialeah 33010 | 33012 | 33013 | 33014 | 33015 | 33016 | 33018
290 PPM (mg/L) or 17 gpg |
Jacksonville 32202 | 32204 | 32205 | 32206 | 32207 | 32208 | 32209 | 32210 | 32211 | 32212 | 32216 | 32217 | 32218 | 32219 | 32220 | 32221 | 32222 | 32223 | 32224 | 32225 | 32226 | 32227 | 32228 | 32234 | 32244 | 32246 | 32254 | 32256 | 32257 | 32258 | 32277
154 PPM (mg/L) or 9 gpg |
Lakeland 33801 | 33803 | 33805 | 33809 | 33810 | 33811 | 33812 | 33813 | 33815
180 PPM (mg/L) or 11 gpg |
Orlando 32801 | 32803 | 32804 | 32805 | 32806 | 32807 | 32808 | 32809 | 32810 | 32811 | 32812 | 32814 | 32817 | 32818 | 32819 | 32820 | 32821 | 32822 | 32824 | 32825 | 32826 | 32827 | 32828 | 32829 | 32830 | 32831 | 32832 | 32833 | 32835 | 32836 | 32837 | 32839 |
129 PPM (mg/L) or 8 gpg |
Palm Bay 32905 | 32907 | 32908 | 32909
103 PPM (mg/L) or 6 gpg |
Pembroke Pines 33028 |
276 PPM (mg/L) or 16 gpg |
Port St. Lucy 34952 | 34953 | 34983 | 34984 | 34986 | 34987
197 PPM (mg/L) or 12 gpg |
St. Petersburg 33701 | 33702 | 33703 | 33704 | 33705 | 33706 | 33707 | 33708 | 33709 | 33710 | 33711 | 33712 | 33713 | 33714 | 33715 | 33716 |
161 PPM (mg/L) or 9 gpg |
Tallahassee 32301 | 32303 | 32304 | 32305 | 32308 | 32309 | 32310 | 32311 | 32312 | 32317 | 32399 |
126 PPM (mg/L) or 7 gpg |
Tampa Metro Area 33602 | 33603 | 33604 | 33605 | 33606 | 33607 | 33609 | 33610 | 33611 | 33612 | 33613 | 33614 | 33615 | 33616 | 33617 | 33618 | 33619 | 33620 | 33621 | 33624 | 33625 | 33626 | 33629 | 33634 | 33637 | 33647 | 32833 | 32835 | 32836 | 32837 | 32839 | 33635 |
220 PPM (mg/L) or 13 gpg |
West Palm Beach 33401 | 33403 | 33404 | 33405 | 33406 | 33407 | 33409 | 33411 | 33412 | 33413 | 33415 | 33417 |
317 PPM (mg/L) or 19 gpg |
Is Hard Water Bad for You?
It is important to note that the actual classification of what constitutes hard water can have different connotations on the significance of its effect on human health and the environment. Many individuals primarily consider the presence of dissolved calcium and magnesium as the only significant determining factor in the hardness of the water. In this case, the negative effects are generally limited to plumbing and cleaning activities.
The high amount of calcium contained in hard water reacts with dish soap to create a slimy film on the washed surfaces of dishes, clothes, and even skin, making them much more difficult to clean. In addition, hard water will often leave a cloudy white film on glass cups and other dishes after prolonged exposure. Most significantly, when hard water is heated, solid form deposits of calcium can form, which over time can clog and eventually destroy piping, posing a moderate financial burden for households, and a large financial burden for large industrial businesses and manufacturers.
Large amounts of calcium and magnesium in a water supply are often accompanied by the presence of other more harmful substances, such as chlorine and other chemicals, which can cause significant long-term health issues. When the definition of hard water is properly broadened to include these types of impurities which are often contained in hard water, the health risks are more serious. Thankfully, many water softeners can also remove multiple types of impurities including chlorine.
Should you get a Water Softener in Daytona Beach?
All Daytona Beach residents should strongly consider getting a water softener because of the hardness of the city water supply. A water softener will not only make washing items easier and preserve plumbing but will also create a healthier environment because of a water softener's ability to eliminate many kinds of impurities from the water that can cause significant health issues over long-term exposure.
How do Water Softeners Work?
Water softeners rely on something called ion exchange, where calcium and magnesium ions are collected by very small resin beads that are charged with either sodium or potassium ions. So, when the mineral ions contact the small resin beads, they are collected by the beads and then replaced with sodium or potassium ions, therefore making the water "soft". One is essentially swapped for the other.
Water softeners are made of a tall, narrow tank with ashore and wide brine. The softener is connected to the home water supply. The softeners are then filled with the aforementioned tiny resin beads that are kept in the tank. The brine tank also has a removable lid filled with pellets.
When water enters the tank, it then goes through the resin beads. The resin beads attract the minerals found in the water, removing them and making the water “soft”.
The use and application of hard watercan present a wide array of health and environmental problems. It can damage your pipes, leave marks and is generally not as pleasant to drink. Residents of Daytona Beach should consider buying a water softener system to help mitigate the problems presented by the hard water provided by their municipality.