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Do Water Softeners Remove Chlorine?

Do Water Softeners Remove Chlorine?

Water softeners are an effective means to reduce hardness levels in the water. Hard water is a major cause for extra build-up on household fixtures and comes in the way of your cleaning and bathing. When water from contaminated water sources includes minerals such as magnesium and more, the water tends to become hard. It is important to get rid of hard water and to do so many homeowners prefer installing water softener systems.

Chlorine water is another issue homeowners struggle with, and the main question is if water softeners help get rid of chlorine. Well, to a certain extent they do, but it is not a primary function of a water softener. To learn more about whether water softeners can help remove chlorine, read further below.

Why is it Important to Get Rid of Chlorine?

Chlorine water is very common in the United States and more than 98% of America’s water supply is dependent on chlorine. The chlorine concentration in tap water is very low, which is why it doesn’t smell like you’re drinking water from the swimming pool.  This doesn’t imply that there’s no chlorine. This is why it is important to get rid of it, especially for someone who is not aware of the chlorination process.

To a certain extent, Chloramine water filtration is safe. Chlorination that comes at 4 milligrams per liter or less is considered safe. Anything higher than that can put you at a bigger risk. According to many experts, high levels of chlorine could directly affect the breast, bladder, and rectum. While there is still more research needed to prove this, there is a possibility of something like this happening. This explains why many homeowners prefer investing in chlorination. It’s for their safety and others. To stay on the safe side you have to install a filtration process that will help remove the chemical.

The filtration system works in a way where it removes all the chlorine from the water after it has reached the water system of your house. While the filtration system may not be highly effective, it still keeps you on the safe side. It also prevents bacteria and parasites. Many people don’t like putting up a filtration system due to the additional taste and smell that goes into the water. However, it is still affordable, helping you stay on the safe side.

How to Remove Chlorine from Water?

There are three types of ways you can remove chlorine from water mentioned below:

1.      House Filters

House filters or whole house filters carry out the purification of water in your home, but this system does not soften the water. This system is perfect for those who want to treat the water in their facility. The best part is that you can get rid of chlorine with the help of such a filter.

2.      Reverse Osmosis System

A reverse Osmosis system that comes with carbon filters helps remove chlorine from the water and also gets rid of any other contamination. The water is forced through different filters and membranes in order to get rid of the chlorine.

3.      Water Softener and Filter System

Using an all-in-one filter system is also a good way to get rid of chlorine from water that enters your house's water system. Once the water goes through the filtration system, it gets both purified and softened.

Can Water Softeners Help Remove Chlorine?

To an extent, water softeners can help remove chlorine from your water system. The primary function of a water softener is to level down the mineral concentration of calcium and magnesium that comes through your tap water. With the help of the resin beads, water softeners are able to do this.

When the water flows through the tank containing resin beads, the sodium ions get exchanged with those of magnesium, calcium, and other minerals present in the water. The minerals tend to reside with the resin beads instead of getting in the way of your skin, hair, and house fixtures.

Chlorine is also a mineral. Hence, water softeners can remove chlorine and other minerals too. Water softener treatment is just one of the ways to remove chlorine from water and could be an effective one. If you want to immediately take action against chlorine, then it would be best to try out using a water softener system.

The Disadvantages of Having Chlorine in Drinking Water

Mentioned below are the potential side-effects of having chlorine in your water:

Bladder and Rectal Cancer

According to a study in 1995, the byproduct of water chlorination resulted in 8000 cases of rectal cancer and 5000 of bladder cancer. You should beware of these side effects and take necessary precautions.


There could be symptoms of asthma derived from chlorine water. According to one study exposing yourself to chlorine in a swimming pool causes asthma symptoms, especially symptoms. If you already have asthma, it is best to take proper precautions.

Food Allergies

There is also a higher chance of getting food allergies.

Final Words

With the help of this article, you’ll get your answer. To a certain extent, water softeners do help remove chlorine. But, you have to make sure you use the right type of water softener as it plays a major role in the removal of chlorine. For the best water filtration systems, get in touch with filtersmart and use safe and healthy water in your household.

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